Rates starting from 4.99%
For HomeownersFor Agents

Understand The Factors That Affect Mortgage Rates

When it comes to securing the best mortgage rate in Canada, it's important to understand the factors that can influence those rates. Here are three key categories to consider:

  • Economic factors: Mortgage rates are influenced by larger economic trends. Factors such as inflation, employment rates, and overall economic growth play a role in determining interest rates. Keep an eye on the country's economic climate to anticipate any potential fluctuations in mortgage rates.
  • Lender-specific factors: Different lenders may offer varying mortgage rates based on their business models and strategies. Factors like the lender's cost of funds, risk appetite, and competitive positioning can impact the rates. It's essential to research and compare multiple lenders to find the best rate for you.
  • Personal factors: Your financial situation and creditworthiness also play a role in mortgage rates. Lenders assess factors like your credit score, employment history, income stability, and the size of your down payment. Taking steps to improve your credit score and strengthen your financial profile can help you secure a more favorable mortgage rate.


Securing the best mortgage rate in Canada requires a combination of financial preparedness, research, and proactive decision-making. 

By understanding the factors that influence mortgage rates and implementing these 10 tips, you can position yourself to save money and make the home-buying process more affordable. 

Remember, a lower mortgage rate not only reduces your monthly payments but also contributes to long-term financial stability. 

So, take the time to assess your financial situation, explore your options, and make informed decisions to ensure a successful and cost-effective home-buying experience.